What Baking Macarons Has Taught Me

Brace yourself y’all. This is gonna be a long one.

A few posts back, I mentioned I was on a bit of a “spiritual journey.” Well, I’m finally ready to share what I meant by that.

After I graduated from college, the adjustment to full-time employment was tough. I had spent the last 20 years of my life in school, working so hard for good grades. At first it was to get into a good university, then it was to qualify for scholarships to go to said university, then it was to get a summer internship, etc etc. There was always something I was working for, but the end goal was always ultimately finding a successful job/career. I hadn’t thought much beyond that.

Then I got that job, and you know what I was thinking a few months into working full time?

Now what?

Now what do I work for? Is it a specialized career in geology? Is it a promotion to some sort of managerial role? Is it a different company? I was lost and had no idea what I was doing with my life anymore. (Sounds drastic, I know, but for someone who had been working towards goals and checkpoints her whole life, it is really how I felt.)

It seems the more I realized and acknowledged this feeling and why I felt that way, the more I was asked to think about my life goals. Which just made me feel worse. It was like a positive feedback loop! I felt stupid. Everyone else seemed to have it together. How did I let myself lose track of my goals?

Not only was I struggling with what I wanted, but I was struggling to see where God was calling me. How could I understand God’s plan for my life when I just felt utterly lost? But the truth is, I wasn’t really consulting God about my future. I was thinking I had to figure it out on my own.

So, I turned toward God. I became submissive to His plans, not mine. Because once I thought about my motivation behind my plans, I realized they were not bringing glory to God. They were selfish. They were bringing glory to Megan.

So now you’re wondering what the heck does all this have do with baking macarons?!

Let me tell you – once you submit yourself to God, you remove all the anxiety from the pressure of “having it all together”, of having the perfect plan for your life. So with that anxiety gone, I was free to think of kind of some crazy and outrageous dream goals! What is something that you’ve always wanted to be when you grew up? A ballerina? An Olympic medalist? President of the United States? It can be anything – from pie in the sky to something that could really happen tomorrow.

Well, for me, I’ve always thought it would be so fun to have a little bakery. Y’all know I have an out-of-this-world sweet tooth, so go figure this was one of my crazy dreams! 😛 So about a month ago, I decided to learn how to make macarons. Why macarons? Because they are delicious. And there is something so attractive about the challenge associated with baking them. Trust me, I’ve messed them up already several times. But I’ve also baked them perfectly a few times. I am living evidence of the saying, “practice makes perfect!”

If you’ve ever read a recipe on how to bake this infamous French cookie, you’ve read about how much patience they require. The egg whites must “age” before you beat them. The shells must “rest” before you bake them. And a step I REALLY struggle with is waiting until the next day to eat them – they taste MUCH more flavorful after waiting a day to try one btw.

So, to tie this all together, what did I learn from baking macarons? I learned that it is okay to not know our futures, to not have some fictional ladder taking us from one step to the next in order to reach some long off goal. It’s okay to dream BIG. It’s okay to dream small. Be patient – after all, Rome wasn’t built in a day. We don’t have to have everything figured out by tomorrow at 3pm. Learn from your mistakes, enjoy your mistakes (even ugly macarons taste delicious!!). But in everything we do, we need to be submissive to God’s plans. His plans for us are great and perfect and beyond our imagination.

Now, about those macarons….

Today I attempted to make salted caramel macarons. Zach and I tried some a few weeks ago from a macaron boutique here in Houston and let me just tell you – they.were.divine. Seriously best macaron I’ve ever had. So I couldn’t wait to try to bake some of my own.


My first go at salted caramel macarons.


Look at that caramel filling just oozing out of the cookie…

I’ve somewhat “mastered” a technique at making the macaron shells. Today, I found a recipe that called for something different, so, I decided to try it! As I was piping the macaron shells onto the baking sheets, I noticed the batter was runny and clumpy – definitely not what you want for these sensitive cookies. But I still baked them anyway and got a handful of cookies that turned out okay – yay!

I also got some that did not turn out. AT. ALL. Some were funky shapes. Some were way too big. My cinnamon shaker lid fell off on one. I overcooked some. I undercooked some. All in all, not my best batch of macarons.




Like I said, practice makes perfect!

But, I’m not going to give up. Tomorrow, I’m going to try again (yay holiday weekend!). And tomorrow I’m going to enjoy these tasty little mistakes of mine!

Monday Blues

This morning I woke up startled and frazzled.

I knew I had a busy schedule at work, so I wanted to get in to the office a little early. On top of that, I had to shower this morning, which led me to set my alarm even earlier. So when it went off at 5:02AM today, I literally jumped out of bed because the ringer was on super loud. About scared me to death!

Grumpy and frustrated I woke up to a rocky start to my morning, I lay in bed wishing it was 4AM so I could go back to sleep. I lay there trying to force the sleep out of my eyes. I lay there wishing I didn’t have to get out of bed. Basically, I had the Monday blues.

Oddly enough, I was the only one woken by my alarm clock (I mean, I’m pretty sure our neighbors could have heard it it was that loud!). Zach was soundly snoozing on my left, Kona was curled in a ball on my right, and Lucca was no where in sight. Weird, because he’s usually my back-up alarm, reminding me it is time for me to get out of bed to feed him breakfast!

As I stumbled out of bed, I noticed Lucca sitting at the window, head resting on the window sill, gazing out at the sunrise. He seemed very content with his Monday morning (unlike me), and actually looked like he was eagerly anticipating his day. Why hadn’t I woken up like that?!


My sweet little doggie was a beautiful reminder of how I should approach each day. I shouldn’t dread the day and the tasks ahead of me, but instead I should look forward to the gift of another day. I should admire the sun rising on a new day. I should really just be thankful for another day.

Did you struggle with the Monday blues this morning, too? Let’s instead embrace Mondays for what they really are – a gift. So, friends, tackle your Monday and let’s wake up on Tuesday with a new perspective: one filled with joy, hope, and gratitude rather than one of dread, grouchiness, or sadness.


Throwback Thursday

Don’t you just love social media on Thursdays? I have so much fun seeing friends’ pictures of them recalling happy moments from yester-years. And I absolutely love when friends share borderline embarrassing stories that now are just plain comical!!

However, now, it doesn’t even have to be a Thursday to throw-it-back. Facebook has created a new app- “On this day”. When I first started using this feature and looking back at my high school and college posts, I would cringe from sharing a post that contained the word “sicknasty” (Yes, this happened. Six years ago today. In reference to a blackcurrant flavored Starbust. Why I felt the urge to share this with the world, I will never remember.)

But the more I would review my “on this day” posts, the more I grew to love reading them! I love to reflect on how God has directed me to where I am today. I try to remember how I felt when I posted a status update, how much fun I had with the friends in my pictures that I don’t keep in touch with often enough, and how, despite all my anxiety and worry about the future, everything has turned out all right.

I think about all the big, decision-making milestone moments I’ve had: the desired roads blocked by rejections, the doors closed by my own fear, the obstacles I thought were insurmountable. I think about how the path I had wanted for my life is not even close to how it has turned out, how God has planned it.

I think that my life has been a little like the Israelites when they fled Egypt. In my mind (and let’s be honest, some days it’s at the back of my mind), I know that God will provide for me. When I think about this, I am relieved and overjoyed! But, the moment something goes wrong (one of those roads gets blocked, a door gets closed, or an obstacle just gets bigger and bigger), I lose faith and forget that my God will provide.

The Israelites knew God would free them from the Egyptians. They were ecstatic when Moses told them that day had finally come! However, instead of being freed as they were told, their enslavement only became more difficult and they cried out to God, questioning His promise to them. When Pharoah resolved to finally release the Israelites, they escaped to the wilderness only to be trapped by the Red Sea and an Egyptian army. Not seeing any possible way out, they again cried out to God with doubt and fear. And you know what God did? He parted the Red Sea. NBD.

I think that sometimes we can’t even imagine how God saves us, what paths he will lead us down. But, I do know that no matter what path it is, it will bring glory to Him.

Look back on your “on this day” posts. Remember the path behind you. Let it provide courage and confidence that our God is with you every step of the way.

“…’Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and see the Lord’s salvation He will provide for you today.’…”
Exodus 13:13

PS – In honor of TBT, I’ll share some pictures from the good ole’ glory days (aka high school). I must have just attended my senior prom “on this day”8 years ago!! And, by the way, I spelled prom as praaam. Ugh, I will never understand my younger self!! Ha!!

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How To Be Great

Do you ever plan to wake up early on a Monday morning to go to the gym, get in to work early, or to just have some quiet time? Last night before I went to bed, I set my alarm for 5:03AM so I could make it in to the gym before work (I’m weird and have to set my alarm for odd times – I never set it in the 5 minute increments because that would just make too much sense…) This is early for me. I consider myself a morning person, but by morning I mean like 8AM. Definitely not 5:03AM.

So when my alarm went off this morning, I snoozed it. Then I snoozed it again. Then I set a new alarm altogether for 6:02AM. Then I snoozed it yet again. And finally, at 6:11AM, I got out of bed, ashamed that I did not stick to my plan to work out.

Yes, I was tired and groggy and it was raining outside which made me just want to pull the covers back over my head. But, then on my way to work, the radio DJ said something that really stuck with me.

You don’t have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great.

When I thought it about more (after I had coffee, of course), I realized it was my insecurities holding me back from going to the gym. I don’t work out as often as I should, and after I noticed my pants fitting a little more tightly than I would like, I vowed to myself I would try to keep in better shape. But, I’m not very familiar with the gym equipment and I certainly don’t know how to do all those workouts I see on Pinterest! I mean, the list of excuses I used to justify not going to the gym can go on and on. But if I never start going to the gym, how am I going to overcome my insecurities, my worries of self-doubt?

Last night, Zach and I read about Moses and the burning bush. When God called Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt to the promised land, Moses felt completely unqualified – Moses was insecure about his abilities to accomplish what God had called him to do. But you know what? It wasn’t solely Moses’s responsibility. Moses wasn’t ever alone – God was with Moses every step of the way, helping Moses live out what he was called to do.

Do you ever have these worries and concerns that you aren’t good enough, that you can’t do something? Often I think I’m not experienced enough at work to agree or disagree with a coworker’s interpretation. But I’m never going to build my experience if I don’t start now. I’m never going to learn how to use the workout machines at the gym if I don’t ever go to the gym. And for those bigger things in life we feel incapable of accomplishing, the paths God leads us down that we feel unqualified to walk, remember we are never alone. We can’t let our fears to hold us back and keep us from being great. With God on your side, you can’t help but be great!


Hi friends! Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve posted an update. Zach and I have been on some crazy adventures this past month. We’ve traveled to OKC a few times, I’ve been learning how to cook (well really just how important seasoning with salt and pepper is – who knew?!), Zach went to the Masters in Georgia, I went to my first crawfish boil, we had a garage sale, went on vacation to Fredericksburg, and I have been on a bit of a spiritual journey this past month (more on that when I have the courage to share in this digital world of ours…:) ) So, needless to say, we’ve been busy.

This past month has been a whirlwind, but it’s been a good whirlwind. Well, until the weekend ends, and then the daily grind, routine, and hustle and bustle of the work-week kicks in leaving very little time to unwind and rest. There’s always something on the agenda, something to prepare for, a deadline to meet.

You know the term “hangry” (hungry + angry = hangry)? I think there should be one for tired + cranky = tiranky (take note Merriam Webster). Sounds silly, I know, but that’s an accurate description of how I’ve been feeling. On these days when I’m feeling “tiranky”, it just seems that every little thing frustrates me.

Take this morning for example: I woke up at 4:45, 5:05, 5:20 and then my alarm finally went off at 5:30AM. Why couldn’t I just sleep solidly until my alarm woke me up? I hadn’t even gotten out of bed yet, and I was already “tiranky”.  When I made it to work and parked my car (not to mention my usual parking spot was taken….! <- see? tiranky), I opened the door to get out, only to have it slammed back in my face (opening the door uphill is hard when you’re not fully awake, y’all). I dug through my purse searching for my badge to get access into the building, only to result to dumping everything out and luckily finding it tucked inside some papers. I got to my office, opened an upper cabinet to grab some papers, forgot to close it, bent down to grab something out of a drawer, then I hit my head on the cabinet as I stood back up.

Each and every seemingly harmless thing was just getting under my skin, my crankiness was increasing, and it wasn’t even 7:30AM yet!

When I got back to my desk, frustrated about digging through my purse for what seemed like 10 minutes, I decided to throw out all the unnecessary things in it. While doing so, I had to stop and pause because I found my “gratitude list” I started a couple weeks ago. I was having a day like today, “tiranky” and frustrated, and decided to change my attitude by thinking through things I was thankful for. So, that’s exactly what I did this morning.  I did not want to spend the whole day angry at the world, blaming everything other than my attitude for my bad morning, so I thought about what I was grateful for.

Do you ever have days where bad things just seem to stack up on top of each other making it hard to see the good things past them? It’s definitely easier to complain about them, blame everything (and everyone) around you. But, you’re probably not going to feel any better, at least I didn’t. The negative feelings just fester inside me, making me feel even worse. So, instead, choose to push through the metaphorical stack of negativity, see the good. Think of what matters most to you. Is it that your parking spot was taken when you got to the office? Or is it that you got to spend a little extra time with your pups in the morning, making you later than usual to work? It’s easy for me to say I pick the time with my dogs over my parking spot!

Next time you’re struggling with finding the good, start a gratitude list! Keep it in your purse or wallet, forget about it (like I did). Chances are, you’ll find it again when you need it most.

Bluebonnets and Red Dirt

It’s funny how as you get older, the things you like doing can turn into things you dread. Like driving. When I first got my drivers license, I couldn’t wait to drive. I loved driving out to my grandparents house 5 hours away in Midland. But now? Not so much. I dread making long drive-time trips now. So yesterday, I was not looking forward to my trip I had planned this weekend to Oklahoma City. Zach was in OKC this week for work, so I was planning to drive solo with the doggies.

The pups and I got on the road this morning around 6:30. Waking up that early on a vacation day is just plain evil, but I wanted to avoid traffic, and, well, I just wanted to get to Oklahoma as early as possible. I heard about the cherry blossom frappuccino from Starbucks earlier this week and really wanted to try it. Mostly because it was a limited release (y’all I’m a sucker for these marketing strategies…). So, of course, we had to make a pit stop this morning! The pups even got a couple puppy lattes 🙂 Kona loves them. I wish I had a picture of her mouth after she eats (/drinks?) one. Whipped cream entirely covering her snout. Cutest.thing.ever. Until it gets all over my window (thank goodness for wet-naps!!) Oh, and if you are curious, too, about the cherry blossom frappe, go ahead and take a hard pass, unless you are in the mood for ice cream – it is on that level of sweetness.

I am so happy I had the pups with me. I love looking in my rear view mirror and seeing their smiling faces. It does make the drive a little bit easier. But, note to future self, the dogs definitely need a bath before going on road trips. It didn’t take long before my car reeked of smelly dogs!!

I hadn’t driven up I-45 since this past winter, so it was amazing to see all the fresh, spring plant-life along the highway. All the trees were blooming and the grass was beautifully green filled with pockets of bluebonnets, Indian paintbrush, and bright wildflowers. I was mesmerized by all this God-given beauty around me. Then add Adele’s new album of love ballads on the radio, and I was feeling all the feels.

And then, BAM! A rock comes flying at my windshield as I was driving around an 18-wheeler and cracks it. I was immediately frustrated. I blamed the driver of the truck, I blamed the car in front of me, I blamed my luck for ruining my new-found joy on this dreaded drive.

Does that ever happen to you? You are in such a good mood, feeling happy and grateful, and then like the switch of a light, your mood is ruined by something happening outside of your control?

In the grand scheme of things, that rock hitting my windshield wasn’t the end of the world, it didn’t ruin my day (or the rest of my drive). Sometimes we overreact to things that definitely don’t warrant us being upset (like the rock made me upset). I need to ask God for perspective more often to see that these things are not a big deal.

But today I am so thankful that He did give me perspective. My anger was a fleeting moment – as I continued to drive, the bluebonnets became more prevalent. When I got into Oklahoma, I drove through the mountains (well, the mini-Arbuckle mountains, but when you’re a geologist in Houston with no rocks to be found, you’ll take what you can get!) and saw all the red dirt that I’ve missed so much. I was again in awe of the beauty He created.

Friends, if you struggle with perspective every now and then, go out and smell the bluebonnets, hike around the Arbuckles, track red dirt in your shoes. Go outside and observe His creation. PS – don’t forget your Claritin 😉


Well it’s been a hot minute since I’ve written a blog post. Yes, I’ve been busy, but I also just haven’t really known what to write about. So I haven’t made the time to sit down with a cup of joe and write out my thoughts. Until Zach asked me this afternoon if I was ever going to blog again.

I thought for a second, is blogging going to be another one of those things that I get really excited about at the get-go, and then just lose passion for it? (Example: painting a room in our house. I get so excited about the potential for the new look of the room, drag Zach to the store with me to look at swatches, open the paint can when we get home, paint a small patch on the wall, and then turn the project over to Zach because I’m bored with it. This may or may not have happened a few times…)

I actually love writing, that hasn’t changed since I’ve started this blog. But what has changed is that I’m more distracted now than I was in January. And the crazy thing is, I couldn’t even tell you what’s been keeping me so distracted! Work? Yes, I have more responsibilities now than I did at the beginning of the year, but I’ve improved my stress management infinitely so I don’t think that’s the culprit. Social life? Yes, I have been able to hang out with our friends a lot recently, but no more than before. Pup children? Yes, they have been needy lately with the rain that we’ve had in Houston, but nothing I can’t handle.

There is nothing externally that has changed in my life, and yet I feel so much more overwhelmed than I did in January. I’ve been allowing these distractions to take over my life and my priorities have been out of whack.

I haven’t been making the time to do what I love. I’ve only baked twice this year. In college I used to bake every weekend! Although it’s probably good for my health that I don’t bake that often anymore, it’s definitely not good for my happiness that there is that much time in between my sugary concoctions. And I haven’t written a blog post since last month! Probably 3 weeks ago. YIKES.

But most importantly, I haven’t been praying like I should. Sometimes when I’m overwhelmed, I don’t even know where to begin in prayer, what to ask for. But that’s okay, because God does. God knows what I need and what is on my mind.

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
-Romans 8:26-27

This list of “Things I Haven’t Done Since I Can’t Remember When”, goes on and on. And it always will. It’s in my DNA to have an internal to-do list crossing my mind every 10 minutes. But at the top of it will always be Jesus – spending time with Him in prayer or in the Word.

All this to say, I’m thankful to Zach for his gentle reminder, in a roundabout sort of way (as they usually are), of where my priorities are and where they should be. I’m thankful for my accountability partner.

Friends, how’s your to-do list looking? What are you grateful for today?


The Secret of Contentment

Do you ever just think, “Man, I can’t wait until next month – I’m going to be so much happier.” “I can’t wait until next year – life is going to be so much easier.” “Everything would be so much better if I just won the lottery.”

Y’all, I’m not going to lie. Those have been reoccurring thoughts I’ve had for the past few years (especially the lottery one now that I’m graduated and my student loans are out of deferment!). When I was in high school, I couldn’t wait to go to college and for the independence. When I was in college, I couldn’t wait to graduate, to move to a new town, and to start working (I really couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to not have to study anymore – and I was oh so excited for it!). When we moved to Houston, I couldn’t wait for all of our trips back to Oklahoma City or Dallas to visit our friends and family that I missed so much. I mean, this list could really go on and on. In my mind, the grass really WAS greener on the other side. I honestly didn’t know how to be happy, how to be present. I was living for tomorrow like nobody else’s business.

Last month, I was talking with Zach about something I wanted. When we moved to Houston, we bought a house out in the suburbs because 1) it was WAY affordable and 2) it was close-ish to our workplaces. Well, now that we’ve been exploring Houston lately, we’ve been trying all kinds of local restaurants, going to local shops, and LOVING all that the diversity of Houston has to offer. And most of the cool, fun places we’ve been visiting are closer to town. So, after dinner one night, I confessed to Zach that I wanted to move closer in to town, so we could make being adventurers in our city even easier. His simple response, “Why aren’t you happy where we are?” And, you know what, I didn’t have an answer to that.

I love our house, I love our neighborhood, and I especially love my short commute to work. But why wasn’t that making me happy? Why was I wanting this? Going in to town is not a hassle at all for us (besides the never-ending highway construction, but that’s a completely different story). Why was this bothering me all of the sudden? I thought about it, I prayed about it, I even googled “how to be content” (which did not result in anything helpful – go figure!).

This has been something I’ve been struggling with for a while now, and it wasn’t until I was driving home from brunch this weekend that the metaphorical light bulb went off in my head. Remember when I said I had to take my car into the shop a few weeks ago to get my CD player fixed? Well, when I was driving home, it dawned on me that my CD player was finally fixed! I could play my music again instead of listening to the all-too-catchy jingles of the car dealership and furniture store commercials. So I popped in the new-ish Zac Brown Band CD and listened to a few of the songs. “Homegrown” came on, and I hadn’t heard this song in a while. Since it’s not their current single, I don’t hear it on the radio all that much anymore, but I still remembered the words (mostly just the chorus) and was happily singing along (albeit monotonically) on my way home.

You know that moment when you’ve heard a song a billion times before and it JUST hits you as to what the song really is about? That happened to me this weekend. He is singing about contentment, about being happy in the moment. He is singing about what I needed to hear!

And all of the sudden, I had the answer to Zach’s question: I wasn’t happy because I wasn’t choosing to be happy. I wasn’t content because I was placing all my desires in all the wrong places. I was putting all my hope in material, worldly objects, not where it should really be – in Christ. In Christ I have all I need.

Friends, if this is something that you struggle with, you are not alone! It really is easy to look at what is missing in your life compared to others’. But, there is a reason for each season of life you go through. You are unique and you have a unique purpose. He has a chosen path for you. This is something that I am working to keep at the forefront of my mind every day. My trust in Him is continuing to grow. I am choosing to find joy and happiness in where He takes me. 

I am so very grateful for the two Zach’s in this story – to my Zach for challenging me and to Zac Brown for his timely lyrics. I will still look forward to tomorrow, but I will strive to no longer live for tomorrow.

Have you thought about what you are grateful for today?

PS – I want to leave you with some more Scripture that I read over the weekend that has really helped me overcome this! I hope this, too, will help you with your journey.

I know both how to have a little, and I know how to have a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content—whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need.I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me.
-Philippians 4:12-13

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
-James 1:2-4


From Dust to Dust

Well, when I woke up today, I certainly did not expect that I would end up at the hospital! But that’s exactly what happened – today I rode in an ambulance, had a CT scan, and spent a good part of my morning in the ER. As I write this, I am so happy to be home, sitting outside on the back patio, and watching my pups chase each other.

Let me explain. A few weeks ago, a company-wide email was distributed mentioning an upcoming blood drive at the office. We’ve had them before, but I’ve never signed up for them because in the past, I was always turned away for having low iron counts (back in the good-ole vegetarian days 😉 ). Well, now that I’m a happy meat-eater and figured my iron would be high enough, I decided to give it a go and signed up for the blood drive.

Today was the day – I started donating blood at 7:30 this morning. I ate a big breakfast, had been drinking lots of water this week, and thought I had prepared myself for the day. I walked in to the room in our building that the blood drive was taking place, and they were showing The Martian movie on the screen at the front of the room (so awesome!). I was there long enough giving blood and resting afterward that I watched the entire movie! I headed back to my office after eating a snack, and well, I never made it. I passed out shortly after stepping off the elevator.

This was very scary when I woke up on the floor and realized what had happened. I could feel the weakness in my body. I could feel the sweat on the back of my neck. I could feel the color leaving my lips. Luckily, someone happened to be walking by and saw that I was in trouble. He went for help and brought all of my coworkers out to where I was trying (and failing) to recover. I was happy to see my friends, relieved that they were there to help, and then embarrassed that they were seeing me in my weakest moment. I became aware of all the attention I was receiving – not the kind that I had ever wanted! Despite my requests, they called 911 to get me the help I really needed.

Thank goodness for my coworkers, y’all. They took care of me while we waited for the ambulance. They called Zach immediately to tell him what was happening. They brought me juice that I had one sip of before I was taken away to the hospital. They dropped everything they were doing to help me, to support me, to care for me.

I had no perception of time, but it seemed like the paramedics showed up immediately. They measured my blood pressure and noticed that my blood pressure dropped significantly when I stood up and recommended that they take me to the hospital to be monitored. Plus, I had hit my head pretty bad when I passed out and wanted me to get that checked out too. In panic mode, I could barely talk, let alone think, about what to do. I agreed to go to the hospital to make sure nothing more significant was wrong. I was scared.

I wasn’t at the hospital long, but I was there long enough to yearn for my own bed, to yearn for comfy clothes, to yearn to be out of the spotlight. I even had a few very sweet visitors come by the hospital during their lunch break to check up on me. All of the tests came back normal, and with the exception of a bruise on my head, I am doing great. I left that hospital teary eyed from exhaustion and fear, but mostly from seeing how blessed I am. Not every day is a good day (take today for example), but I am so blessed by the people I get to spend both the good and bad days with – my friends.

I love my time with my coworkers – all of our coffee breaks, lunches together, or even just chatting in each other’s offices. I am so grateful for these friends. I am so grateful for their support in my time of need this morning. Without them, today would have been much more unbearable, much more embarrassing.

On another note, not every day is promised. While today may not have been severely life threatening, it did show me, once again, my need for Jesus. I’m working through the She Reads Truth Lent devotional right now, and how timely it was. Yesterday’s readings, for Ash Wednesday, was a reminder of the brevity of this earthly life and the sacrifice Christ made for us to have an eternal life in Heaven. So instead of my typical question I conclude my posts with, I want to leave you with some Scripture that has really made an impression on me, especially after today’s events.

…and the dust returns to the earth as it once was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
Ecclesiastes 12:7

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…

When I started this blog, I had a goal to update it 2-3 times a week. But then life happened. And work got crazy. And the weather was so nice outside. And so I haven’t written in 2 weeks! Sorry, friends!

But, I assure you, these past two weeks have been wonderfully busy and very enjoyable! A lot of good things have been happening. To start out with, the weather has been perfect in Houston, and the pups (+Zach and I) have been loving every minute of it! Kona turned 3 last week so we took the doggies to their favorite park to swim and run and make new friends. Sadly, I don’t have another faceplant-ing story to report, but they did have fun and were completely exhausted the rest of the weekend (which in my opinion is a successful trip to the dog park! :P)


kona bday

Earlier this year, Zach and I made a list of goals for this year, ranging from things to do around the house, places we wanted to travel to, restaurants we wanted to try in Houston, and financial goals. One of the things on our list was to explore more of Houston this year – to try new restaurants in new neighborhoods, to visit all the museums, to try new breweries, and to essentially be a tourist in the town that we live in! We have gotten so familiar with our little neighborhood and have established our go-to list of favorite places to eat and drink. We have really made Houston our home after living here for a year and a half!

Last weekend, we tried to start living out this goal. We have been trying all new things and places! We took a cooking class with friends where we learned how to make shepherd’s pie and then ordered buttered rum raisin ice cream at the most scrumptious smelling place in the Heights. For date night, we ventured to El Bolilo, a famous Mexican bakery in town. Houston friends – if you haven’t checked this place out, you need to put it on your to-do list this month. It’s a little gem in the Heights, and it’s really just a fun experience being in the bakery and drooling over all of these delicious treats. Zach and I picked out a tray full of goodies and ate a bite of everything when we got home. SO.GOOD.

We have also been working on some home improvements these past few weeks. When we moved in to our house, the bathrooms were very white – white walls, white cabinets, and white countertops. So we decided to add some color by painting and adding some decor! We haven’t finished yet, but I will share some pictures when we do 🙂  We also found some awesome (and affordable!) dining room furniture last week, and I am SOOO excited for it to be delivered!!! We will finally have some more storage to put away all the wedding gifts we received last year!

So, looking back on these last few weeks, I am so thankful for the journey that brought us here, to these last couple weeks, to checking off and accomplishing our goals this year. When we moved in, everyone told us that it takes time to make a house a home, it takes time to make a new city feel like home, it takes time build financial security. I heard everyone telling us these things, but I didn’t really listen. I wanted everything to come together immediately – the whole house to be furnished, all of our debts paid off, and to be a pro-Houstonite. Well, life doesn’t work like that. And for a year and a half, my patience has definitely been tested (and failed) and tested again. Friends, I’m here to tell you that you can accomplish those goals you are frustrated you haven’t yet! Choose happiness in the midst of your frustrations. Take a deep breath, pour yourself a glass (or a bottle) of wine, and enjoy your journey, too 🙂

Blessed are the happiness makers. Blessed are they who know how to shine on one’s gloom with their cheer!
-Henry Ward Beecher

Pause, reflect, what are you thankful for today?